When life gets a little dark and clouded (which often is the case in a rainy country like the Netherlands, where she is from), Anouk’s illustrations bring a splash of colour and inspiration. She is curious of spirit and likes to learn as many illustration techniques as possible, to create surprising new visual languages.

Anouk’s work is all about celebrating the fun in life.

Anouk gives every illustration she makes the love and care it deserves.

No generated artwork, but real human sweat is behind all the illustrations. Anouk often works with traditional techniques such as linocut, screen printing and riso printing, to keep genuine artistry skills alive.

Anouk’s work is often inspired by things that bring her joy in everyday life, for example ice cream, confetti, dinosaurs, cool boots and stroopwafels (a dutch cookie filled with syrup). She likes to wear colorful pants with unique designs, that is why she is also known as leuke broek Anouk (translates to: pretty pants Anouk, but it ryhmes way nicer in Dutch!)

Let’s work together!

anouk.van.esch@ziggo.nl @anoukvesch